"I say you the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the best I ever had, best I ever had
Best I ever had, best I ever had, I say you the fucking..." - Drake
You the fucking best, you the fucking best
You the best I ever had, best I ever had
Best I ever had, best I ever had, I say you the fucking..." - Drake
June Challenge (#day 27)
this blog-a-day challenge really has me thinking of ideas for blogging. it's day 27 already, with only a few more to go. what are yall gonna do on July 1st..when i no longer have to do this anymore? lol..
first off, let me apologize to all of you for my neglect to comment on your blogs. i've just been busy as hell, which isn't an excuse. just saying it takes me a minute to even comment back on my own blog. but the one thing yall know i'm good about is coming back weeks later and commenting on old blogs as if you just wrote them. my Live Journal family..yall know i've neglected yall the most. i'm sorry. i wanted to take time out to ask yall to make it easy on a brother. think back. check back..and tell me which blog of yours was, "the best you ever had...."
post the link in the comment section. or even DM (@studiogenius) or email me if it's private/personal..i promise to comment on that first. and if i've already commented still share it, because i'm sure the people who check my blog and read the comments would love to check it out. i follow some great folks. and i appreciate you following me...
keeping true to my request of you...
10 post that i feel are the "the fucking best i ever had..."
why it's the fucking best? cause i've been at war with young chicks for a while now..peep (my young chick search label). i love yall, but *taraji p henson voice* "i kan't stand yall, sometimes.."
(yes, i really did spell can't... as "kan't")
why it's the fucking best?..cause i exposed you women for the crotch watching animals you are..
why it's the fucking best?...it was a question sent to me, that i answered. some of my best blogs are simply my advice to someone who asked me a question or inspired a thought..and NO, it had nothing to do with "my weiner"...
why it's the fucking best?...because yall really helped me put into perspective how to keep the loving coming...

why it's the fucking best?...sometimes i have to pull out my man card and show yall i'm still a member. and there are some things i'm just not trying to say to yall..
#5: where would we be without woman...
why it's the fucking best?..because it was some funny/ignorant shit i was thinking, but it's absolutely true.
#4. this is why i'm hot...
why is this the fucking best?...cause it sums up what this blog was started for. what i'm about. and i'm pretty sure 98% of you will NEVER go back that far in my blog and see it. so i put it up here to show yall what yall got yourselves into by following me to begin with...
#3. i heart the black woman..
why it's the fucking best?..because i truly mean it. it doesn't mean i don't have love for women of other races. just means that it was time someone/me showed some appreciation to my sisters. yall know how i go off on my rants all the time, i just didn't want there to be any confusion. i may not like a lot of things you ladies do, but it doesn't tarnish the love or appreciation i have towards my black women.
it's so many manfive's that it's hard to choose from so it's really a 3-way tie for #2
#2. what does she have that i don't?...
this one was a most requested & highly appreciated blog about why dudes choose a new/old chick over you..
#2: what makes a woman approachable..
this one, is really the key for some of you "mean" girls to stop looking so mean..and show a dude who you really are.
#2: jack ain't no gentleman..
chivalry ain't dead..neither is being a gentleman.
why it's the fucking best?...because they were crafted for my readers. it's shit from a male pov, so the dudes should be able to respect it. but it's catered to help you ladies understand where we're coming from. so i'm pretty much happy about all of my manfive's, it's over 50 of them. the one's i chose are just the one's i remember really thinking hard and long on..and really trying to give you a better insight. honorable mentions (manfive #3)
#1. hopeless romantic
why it's the #1 fucking best?..because it sums up me in a nutshell. literally after i wrote this one, i even wanted to change my blogger name, blog, everything to "tha hopeless romantic ©"...but i felt it would confuse too many of yall..lol
you all can feel free to let me know which one you think is the best i've ever had. whether it's on my list or just something you've enjoyed in the past. again, i thank you all for following me. for commenting. for returning for more...yall are truly,
Can I say all of these are my favorite ones!! Even after the challenge is over I think you still drop us a blog or two a month outside of your norm...it was good to see that things happen outside of manfive and twitter Thursday!!!
@sunshinestar110: lol. i'm glad. and yea i dunno what i'll do after i don't have to routinely blog a post. ppl who know me know i always have tons of shit to say. all the time. if i didn't have other things going on, i could probably blog all day. so maybe i'll consider churning out a blog or two a week along with my manfive/#twitterkills. but def. cutting off the weekend blogging. that is NOT where it's at, at all..lol (hardest days to blog).
Yeah so I had to catch myself up to the blog posts I hadn't read and I'm mad I missed out on so much! That "Hopeless Romantic" & "I Heart The Black Woman" will forever remain my two most favorite posts ever in life! But ummm yeah you can't leave us hanging after this challenge. We will find you and force you to write #thatisall
@starrla monae: thank you. yea, i almost feel like going back to just doing manfive & #twitterkills would be a waste of blogging. lol. but i am not trying to sign up for a post a day everyday...
I have to agree with Starrla those are my fave too! but now I need to go back and catch up on those I missed because you always keep me entertained....
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