this week's manfive's friday of the week: 5 differences between older and younger women..
there are things to love about both older & younger women. i usually try to give you an insiders edge of how men feel about different subjects. there are a lot of key differences, although today i choose to focus on the stereotypical differences. this is what you'll hear guys saying randomly or to each other. this is the 5 differences that matter to guys...
difference #5: babies & birth control...
younger women typically aren't ready for kids. so you'll find they are on birth control. they carry around condoms. they got the shot. they are extra careful when it comes to sex, because most times they still have to answer to their parents. not to mention they aren't afraid to go to "plan b".
older women on the other hand. are talking to you about having kids on the second date. they are the one's who stopped using birth control 3 years ago. or they take one pill a week, just cause. they are the one's who might even poke holes in the condom. not to trap you, just because they want babies and they want babies now. they are older, there is no one who will "cut them off" if they get pregnant.
have to give young chicks the win on this one...
difference #4: taking care of their man...
when it comes to taking care of their man, young chicks know exactly what the doctor ordered. sex, sex, & more sex. they will give it to you all day & night. they'll back it up, drop it, and twerk with it.
older women on the other hand, will give you sex..but not at that frequency. the one thing that gives them the upper hand is they will do other things to take care of you. food, food & more food. they understand there are different ways to your heart...like cooking, listening to you, washing your drawz, etc.
have to give the older chicks the win on this one...
difference #3: loving making music choices
younger women like it fast. they want to make love to some dmx shit, "stop, drop, open up shop..oh no..that's how ruff ryders go...". they like it fast & hard. their sexing playlist will be equipped with rappers and music you can listen to on the radio. even the slow jams will be rappers. they will be making love to "lovers & friends" the new version and shit.
older women on the other hand like that soft, slow shit. they like that music they can start crying to. you actually have to make a slow sex jam mixtape in order to have a background to that kinda sexing. it's that luther, marvin, teddy..if you don't know these guys..you're a young chick go play a ludacris cd and have some private sexy time. this is just for the grown & sexy.
have to call tie on this one, sex is good fast or slow. as long as we're having it, i'm not complaining.
difference #2: trick-on dat-hoe
younger women and your finances are like kids in the toy store. they could care less about your mortgage, car payments, bills, whatever. if they want their weave fixed. if they want that new bag, shoes, jewelery...they expect you to spend it. "it ain't trickin' if you got it", means...if i see the money, you gotta show me the money. they will expect you to spend money on shit, they wouldn't even spend money on. because to them, your money means nothing, it's just paper.
older chicks on the other hand, have grown out that stage. they are equal opportunity. they like nice things, but they don't expect for you to get them things..other than a ring. they are into the whole, "i expect at least what you do for me". meaning, it's an equal trickin'. they don't have no problem spending their money on you, they just expect that you do on the same level as them. meaning if they buy you a playstation for christmas, then their gift should be at least $399. she only spending what you're spending on her. meaning her request are realistic.
it's a no brainer the older chicks win this hand down..
difference #1: what they are looking for in a relationship...
younger women are looking for love. but not that "i'm in love, let's get married tomorrow" love. it's that new love. that we're just having fun. this may or may not turn into something else. younger chicks will pimp you out. they are more likely to be talking to you and two other dudes at the same time. they be on that, "we didn't say we we're exclusive shit..". on that "don't call me, i'll call you" shit. on that, "you're moving too fast shit". most are living for right now. they just want someone to have fun with, right now. if it blossom's into something else, great....
older women wear an anchor around their neck. they try to lasso that shit around yours and pull you in to dock. they have done the jump-off phase. they have lived in the moment and are looking for some more substantial. at the point they've reached it's time to put up or shut up. it a mutually a waste of time if you're not looking past the first date. they will not let you "feel out the situation". you either gotta be down for it, or be out of it.
it really depends on what stage you're in, in your life. but the scales are leaning towards the young chicks on this one. as the most desired response men seek.
so the winner is?....neither. it's a tie. i know better than to declare one type of woman better than the other.
LOL....wait I like that Marvin, Luther & Teddy babymaking music! No one wants to hear that hardcore rap ish while they are smashing, flippin' and rubbin' it down!
I like your disclaimer!
#3 yo...i'm not the springest of chickens but even when i was, there was no rap on any of the MANY get the draws mixes (with the exception of "strawberries on top of me" by smooth...i like that song...it's dudes that be havin damn plies on a cd/playlist)
i know you said this was generalizations but you know i'ma push back on this anyway even tho you totally said these were stereotypes (bored).
#4i think most women start off on that nurturing shit but we start off dating young BOYS who are more or less concerned with gettin it in whenever possible, so we adapt to that...then when the game changes & y'all want niggas (in this case, "niggas" refers to women) to cook & we be like...????
#5 that depends on class. speaking for myself i am SO into not getting pregnant. but it's plenty young chicks out here fucking with reckless abandon.
#2...SOOOOO can't relate. "fuck yo money nigga, i can buy my own shit" yep, i've said it (in more polite terms). we gotta be semi-serious before you start buying me things, otherwise i do feel like i'm getting "trick"ed.
#1...what age range are we talking here? are young chicks 20 and older chicks 35? or are young chicks 20s & 30s, and old chicks pushin 50?
either way, in my experience...i feel like it's the young chicks that wanna tie a dude down...older women that are still single are either so glad to finally be in a relationship that they not trippin about too much...or the reason they're still single is cuz they value their freedom so they not tryna lock down or be locked down.
damn well I fluctuate between young and old wuth all 5 differences ......I quess I'm PERFECT!
I applaud you for your accurate generalizations.
Lol I LOVE this....I Think You Were Right On Point With This 1....Following Ur Blog ASAP!
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