Thursday, June 10, 2010

i love naked people...

 June Challenge (#day 10)

so i woke up the other morning, to cathouse. yanno the show that comes on HBO about the brothel in las vegas, "the bunny ranch". and i innocently tweeted, "thou should not wake up to cathouse on thou's tv" and i got @replied back from one of the girls from cathouse. it was by far one of the best @reply surprises i've gotten lol.

so after i finished watching it...naw i'm just playing (or am I?), i got up and got productive. but then it made me think about all of the VHS's i have in my porn box in the closet. see back in the day i was a very advid porn collector. not one of those creepy guys who go into the stores stare & touch themselves from behind the magazine rack. but i'd pick up one every few months. just to keep it interesting. but lately it's been a no porn zone. i have TONS of vhs...what exactly do you do with those when they've run their course? do they increase in value like other antiques? after all i did have the original "superhead" video. that's gotta be worth an extra .50¢ now. what's the market on porn tapes? should i go on ebay and sell them for $100 a piece? i got the original boxes & everything. do i save them to pass down to my son? is there a recycling porn reciprocal i can go to? like just go and donate them? or should i just ride up to the high school and throw them out the window for the endless number of teenage boys to find and appreciate? oh that's right..i doubt any of them would even have a VCR. Not to mention there is enough soft porn on tv to satisfy even the biggest perv.

damn it must be great being a young man these days. i remember being young and having to try to unscramble the cable to see a fuzzy breast. sit there for 5 minutes waiting for the picture to come in. oh and the volume down because the moans were loud as hell. i used to stay up to 3 am watching shows like Porky's and Meatballs to catch a glance of some semi nude action on USA or TNT.  now all you have to do is have cable at midnight. it's that easy. i can turn my tv on and watch Zane's show. Co-Ed Confidential. and ton of other "made for cable" soft porn movies and shows. when did it become that easy? why don't young pervs have to earn their stripes, finding an old playboy from their dad's closet and keeping it throughout their entire adolescence, until the corners are wrinkled and the pages stick together? my son will never have to hunt through my stuff because by the time he gets interested in sex, it'll probably be on regular tv. or the girls will just be walking around naked, like it's a new fad or some shit. i feel bad, cause there will be no special rites of passage for him. if my dad would have had a box like the one i have, and i found it. i'd be blind, with hairy palms, and chafe skin.  *no kirk franklin*


LB/Mr.WorkHarder said...

I feel where you're coming from. I was also a scrambled channel watcher. And before then a cinemax perv also. The kids now will never go thru what we went thru 2 see porn. There are sites & shows that I'd wish was on when I was a shorty.

sunshinestar110 said...

ok so i woke up one morning to some soft porn like shit a couple months ago I was lost and confused...still have no idea who turned the station to that cuz last thing i was watching was life time...the children of today got it much easy to catch some type of porn...who needs playboy when your mama gets Victoria secret and Fredrick of Hollywood mags to house on a weekly bases

jazzyjaz said...

U need to box some of the VHS porn and ship it my way...that was best kind...Don't judge me!

tha unpretentious narcissist© said...

@mronly4thereal: there are tons of shows i wish were on when i was a kid. and the internet. was NOTHING like it is now. my mom would have had to remove my computer from my room. like pry it from my fingers and shit.

@sunshinestar110: yes..but who needs vickki or fredricks when you can just log onto xtube. it's too easy these days.

@jazzyjaz: now why would i judge you..i'm the one sitting here with a big box of i'ma start being the porn netflix. i'll send a tape a keep it as long as you like then just send it back when you want another one...

JStar said...

LOL...U are sooo right...I remember having to sneak to listen to 2 live crew. Eddie Murphy Raw and Richard Pryor records LOL....Oh I remember the scrambeled cable ha ha...Trying to see what we could see...

Yea today, kids are just off the hook...