"i'm gonna die"
really that's what i was thinking. i went over to cut the yard at my other house. which if any of you remember from last spring/summer the horror and terror i whined and complained about every other week.
as i was dragging massive size tree branches around the yard. digging out and cutting down bushes. i started to think to myself...
women think working out is sexy. women think spending money is sexy. women think dressing nice is sexy. but yanno what really is sexy? fucking housework and yard work.

did i mention i was cooking dinner while i was writing this post?....#sosexy
LOL! Good one. Nothing like a man doing the dishes...and I'll leave it at that :-)
LOL! Yard work is very sexy!
lord they coulda at least used a sexy dude for the pics
LOL I think yardwork is sexy. all that other crap I don't pay attention to. Esp him watching the game because more than likely I'm watching it. But seeing a man sweat and work out is HOT! Hey hey...I've been told I look sexy working out and cooking even when i don't feel it.
you actually do not know who was watching. Women often watch discreetly not gawking. You may possibly have an admirer out therein the neighborhood.
I agree with Freckles lol
A guy doing yard work with no shirt is eye candy worthy but if he cooks too??? I'm ready to climb him like a tree.
@CG: well in that case I stay sexy cause I have no choice dishes are always on me..I'm the kind who washes the dishes then puts them in the dishwasher
@dianaboss: yup yup..muscles all glistening, various mysterious welps from my bouts with the bushes & thorns..I was the male version of "milkshake brings all the girls to the yard"..
@luvlymskrissy: I swear you are always looking at the wrong shit wilma..lol
@.chymere.: cooking is extremely sexy..lol..extremely. something else that gets me..is a woman putting on her makeup or getting dressed..something about that makes me a stalkerlion, ready to pounce &..yanno
@freckles: shit..if anyone was watching they probably was cracking the fuck up..cause when I say I was fighting with the bushes I mean I was fighting like a 5th grade stab fight..lol
@piph: shoot maybe I should have rubbed myself down with some oil first then..lol
@starrla monae: where are the women like you?..lol
Hell yeah ... that is all ☺
lol..I gotta get that book asap it has all my wildest fantasies in it! I wonder if it is somewhere were i can buy me a man like that!...and cooking ATL!?! i'm so proud of you getting ur Martha Stewart on!
I absolutely LOVE this Post! Lol...I laughed and smiled quite a few times.
Love this one and I so agree with one of the other comments .. A man doing Yard work super sexy... something else A man putting gas in my tank whenever HE sees that its getting low...ummmm sexy. A man just being a strong considerate MAN is sexy.
Okay this is hilarious! And yes men doing those things are sexy, I can care less if he watches the game though. Men these days don't seem to do shit, have you noticed that? They've become a little bit lazy, so when a man lifts a finger to do anything...even to pick his nose I get excited. lol We need more men like you!
very sexy!
@ciaradenise: hell yea back to you...lol
@sunshinestar110: yanno i gotta cook and do all this shit myself. women these days cook bout as good or worse than i do. gotta stay ahead of the curve.
@SJ: thank you kindly..
@pamieka adams: it's the little things huh? lol
@poppy: there are tons of men like me. they just don't realize this is the shit women really like vs. all the flashy shit. i woman would rather you come fix some shit for her then go blowing money you don't have on meaningless shit. (some women lol..)
@lilioohpyt: thank you, thank you
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